A free resource for the Church, the Body of Christ.

The Truth Test Instructions

The Truth Test is a free resource for believers within the the Body of Christ, from Children’s Ministries International, Inc. This ministry tool was developed for church leaders and volunteers serving in children’s ministry at their local church, or on the mission field.

  2. PURPOSE 1: To assist church leaders (elders, pastors, children’s ministry directors, and missionaries) as they consider and evaluate a volunteer’s readiness for service in children’s ministry, and where they might best serve. By using the data from this assessment, leaders can gain insight into a person’s relationship with Christ (or lack thereof). The Truth Test results will also shed light on a person’s comprehension of God’s Word and their submission to it.

    1. Is this individual truly “in Christ?”
    2. Do they show evidence of Biblical truth and its personal application in their life?
    3. Do they know and understand the foundations of the faith and the essentials of Christian doctrine?
    4. Are they living in deliberate sin and disobedience?
    5. Are they aware of their permanent Spiritual Gifts and using them for ministry and service within the Body of Christ?

    PURPOSE 2: To help individuals assess their general knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ and the Bible through the lens of Scripture. What a person believes and why they believe it may be challenged in-light-of God’s Word. This resource will give individuals insight into their spiritual condition for later introspection.

  4. We completely, wholeheartedly and unreservedly trust in the Word of God as absolute truth, because it is The Word of God! In the Bible, we find the source of our highest joy, greatest good, deepest satisfaction, broadest pleasure and most consummate fulfillment.

    • The Scripture reveals the truth about God’s glory, man’s salvation, faith and life.
    • The Bible is inspired by God, infallible and inerrant in all its parts.
    • God’s Word is sufficient for life and godliness.
    • The basics of Biblical Christianity are emphasized in The Truth Test. Source materials can be found on The Truth Test Recommended Resources page.
    • The Truth Test also reinforces the importance of Biblical discernment within the Body of Christ, because one of the greatest problems in the church today is the absence of discernment. Knowledge comes before discernment and we cannot discern the truth, until we possess the truth.
  6. There is no room for error when it comes to teaching truth to children. A correct Christology and a right view of Scripture are prerequisites for any believer who agrees to serve children in the local church or on the mission field, regardless of their task or responsibility.

    Sadly, many church leaders have a low view of Scripture. They have placed methodology, cultural influences, entertainment, and attracting a crowd, ahead of God’s Word, which they treat with such superficiality.

    When Biblical truth is suppressed or ignored within the Body of Christ, lies, deceit, and false doctrine will be imparted as truth, while sin flourishes. When the church stays in the truth, it stays in Christ.

    Most Christians own (or have access to) a Bible, but they seldom open and read it. As a result, they are not growing in Christ or being sanctified by His Word. Yet, these individuals are allowed to watch over and teach children at church.

  8. The Truth Test will help Christians understand why “theology” and “doctrine” are not bad words, as some say, but rather essential elements in our knowledge and understanding of the Bible. We cannot know and love Christ through false theologies and wrong doctrines that do not align with Scripture. That is why we need Biblical truth planted firmly in our minds and hearts.

  10. Over the past two decades, the church has done a good job of protecting children from predators through volunteer applications, interviews, referrals, multiple workers in a classroom, better security, etc. Unfortunately, many congregations have no procedures in place, when it comes to screening a volunteer's spiritual condition.

    Over the past two decades, the church has done a good job of protecting children from predators through volunteer applications, interviews, referrals, multiple workers in a classroom, better security, etc. Unfortunately, many congregations have no procedures in place, when it comes to screening a volunteer's spiritual condition.

    CATEGORY 1: Those who are not Christian. They are unbelievers, wolves in sheep’s clothing and spiritual predators, who prey on children. Non-Christians promote unbelief to children and deny the truth of Scripture.

    CATEGORY 2: Those who claim to be “Christian,” who cannot teach children from the Bible, because they do not know it for themselves. They do not accurately handle God’s Word because there is no spiritual growth taking place in their lives. They promote a false, stagnant, powerless, and joyless Christianity to children.

    CATEGORY 3: Those who profess to be “Christian,” who trust in their own spiritual experiences rather than the written Word of God. They abuse and manipulate the Scripture for their own ends. They lack spiritual discernment and teach false gospels. They lead children away from the Bible as the source of truth, and thus away from the true Jesus.

    CATEGORY 4: Those who say they are “Christian,” who live in open and blatant immorality with no remorse or repentance of sin. They lack holiness and obedience. Their lives show no respect for God and His Word. They model sinful lifestyles to children.

    • Hear and receive the Word of God.
    • Understand the Word of God (in the way He intended for it to be understood).
    • Believe the Word of God.
    • The Word of God brings about conviction of sin, that leads to repentance.
    • Come to faith in Christ through the Word of God.
    • Obey the Word of God and trust Him to do what He has promised.
    • Teach others the Word of God and contend for the truth of Scripture.

The Truth Test may be taken online 24/7 at www.TheTruthTest.org individually or as a group (ask your leader for a group code). Once the user registers, signs-in, and answers a few diagnostic questions, the test will begin and take approximately 50 minutes to complete (no pauses or restarts). The test includes 100 questions, and once it is completed, the results will be available immediately. PDF copies of The Truth Test questions, answers, and list of recommended resources for follow-up Bible study, are available on the website at no cost. (Note: Children’s Ministries International, Inc. does not receive any money for recommending resources that may be purchased on another website.)

May The Truth Test be used for the building-up and edification of His church.

To God be the glory!

Stephen L. Karges
Founder - President
Children’s Ministries International, Inc.
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General Editor
The Truth Test Resource
February 2017